Archive for the ‘News’ Category

The Brian Lehrer Show on WNYC is running a special segment they call the Immigrant World Cup, “Throughout the World Cup, we’ll select random matchups and hear from immigrants of each country about why their community is NYC’s best in food, music, and other areas.” The show encourages callers to celebrate their own culture while […]

First Person American is invited to be a presenter at an upcoming AIGA/NY event titled, “MY DOG AND PONY: FRESH BLOOD!” on June 15, 2010. About the event from the AIGA/NY site: A whole new crop of younger-techier-faster-stronger grad students are about to be unleashed on the city. What are they thinking? What have they […]

In a slew of parodies on the Internet, in newspapers and at public rallies, the doe-eyed cartoon character has become an unlikely symbol of a heated debate. This composite image of Dora the Explorer was created late last year by Debbie Groben of Sarasota, Fla., for a contest for the fake news site Read […]

The New York Magazine writes about the first immigrant to pass through Ellis Island. In 1892, she was the first foreigner to arrive at Ellis Island. By 1893, she was an American mystery. Read the full article by the New York Magazine.

Howard Zinn, author of the monumental work, A People’s History of the United States, which revolutionized the way textbooks present historical research, died last week, on January 27, 2010, of heart failure. He was 87. Zinn authored more than 20 books, but it was his bestseller A People’s History of the United States, which he […]

Tuesday’s horrible earthquake in Haiti and its tragic impact affected the entire country. Amidst all the fundraising efforts, I want to tip my hat to the American Red Cross for its immediate, innovative and creative communications strategy on the situation in Haiti. Here’s how the Red Cross’ stellar communication innovation is boosting the impact of […]

I remember hearing about this story featured more than a year ago on the Today Show: Lukasz Zbylut, a high school student in Brooklyn, who emigrated from Poland in 2003, applied to seven Ivy League schools — and was accepted by every one of them. He decided to enroll in his “dream school” of choice — Harvard. Read […]